Tukaj lahko raziščete spletne podatke, vse podatke, registrirane v sistemu eBMS iz različnih delov Evrope in z različnimi metodologijami: transekti in 15-minutna štetja. Za iskanje po metodologiji, državi in regiji uporabite spodnje filtre. Search:Method:AllTransect15-Min CountMonth Trap Country/EU NUTS region:<All locations shown> Albania Anguilla Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom RecordsSpecies Loading... Column configuration The following columns are available for this table. Tick the ones you want to include. Drag and drop the columns into your preferred order. Tick/untick all Restore defaults Prekliči Shrani Loading... Column configuration The following columns are available for this table. Tick the ones you want to include. Drag and drop the columns into your preferred order. Tick/untick all Restore defaults Prekliči Shrani