My data

Welcome to the European BMS

The map on the right summarises the butterfly monitoring activity:
  • Blue symbols for transects recorded throughout the eBMS website
  • Red symbols indicate 15-min counts recorded by the eBMS mobile app

The website includes more detailed reports of recent activity that you can consult about the species seen, abundances and the place of the collection. The eBMS network has more than 10.000 transects in Europe. You cannot see all of them on this map but they will be included soon.


Set up a new transect

We are glad to have you involved in this interesting project and we welcome every new transect. This data helps us to calculate population trends and determine the status of the different butterfly species. The more data we have available, the more effectively we can develop recommendations for conservation measures and management of butterfly populations.

  • Please contact the main coordinator before starting a transect, he/she can help you in deciding your transect and give you tips. Check the list of schemes and the information given. 


Quick Guide

These are the simple steps to get you started with entering data on this system.

  1. Register for an account.
  2. Go to ‘My Sites to set up new transect routes, or review the details of existing ones.
  3. Go to ‘My Walks’ to enter the data for your transect routes.
  4. Go to 'My samples' to review everything submitted by you on the system and edit any record.
  5. You can download everything on 'My downloads'
  6. Go to ‘Annual Report’ to review your butterfly data, and to see what’s been entered for other transects


Watch the explicative videos on how to use the eBMS website on the BCE Youtube Channel


eBMS Guide 

Download the full guide (English) to see in detail step-by-step instructions for the key parts of the system (note that some elements of the guide will change when the site becomes fully live). 

You can find this guide in several languages:

           - Bulgarian     - French           

           - Czech            - Greek

           - Italian           - Slovenian

           - Lithuanian   - Spanish

           - Portuguese    

           - Romanian




Problems or suggestions:

Please send suggestions for improvements and general feedback on using this site to