European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme - eBMS
Diventa un volontario che conta le farfalle!
Aiutaci a contare le farfalle. Aumenterà la conoscenza delle farfalle e potremo proteggerle meglio! Ci sono già migliaia di volontari in tutta Europa che collaborano nella conservazione delle farfalle.
Se vuoi unirti all’eBMS e collaborare al Butterfly Monitoring Scheme devi solo registrarti. Segui questo link alla sezione ‘I miei dati’ e troverai una guida rapida per avviare il tuo monitoraggio delle farfalle.
- Unisciti a una delle più grandi reti di citizen science
- Monitorando le farfalle nella tua zona, contribuirai alla scienza
Osservazioni di farfalle europee: guarda tutte le osservazioni inviate all’eBMS da molti luoghi diversi in Europa, vai a dati -> Esplora dati online
App ButterflyCount: conta facilmente le farfalle con il tuo telefono, mentre fai un transetto o conteggi di 15 minuti. Scarica l'applicazione e inizia a scoprire le specie nella tua zona!
Linee guida eBMS: se vuoi sapere come introdurre i dati dei transetti, creare un transetto e vederlo graficamente puoi scaricare il pdf delle linee guida eBMS
Questa è la home page dell'European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS). Come risultato di un’iniziativa congiunta della Butterfly Conservation Europe e del Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, questo sito web è una casa per la promozione dei Butterfly Monitoring Scheme in tutta Europa e consiste nelle seguenti attività:
- Una raccolta di serie di dati nazionali provenienti dai Butterfly Monitoring Scheme in Europa - la partnership eBMS.
- Un sistema di dati per stabilire siti di monitoraggio delle farfalle in regioni che attualmente non hanno uno schema nazionale. Clicca qui per accedere alla lista dei partner.
- La sede del progetto Assessing ButterfLies in Europe (ABLE)
- Un luogo per promuovere altri progetti che sono affiliati a schemi di monitoraggio delle farfalle
Notizie dall’eBMS:
- Explanatory videos of the eBMS website
On the BCE YouTube channel, you can find several explanatory videos to better understand the eBMS website: how to create a new account, how to register a transect and its visits, and much more. Visit the channel to discover more.
- Final results of the ABLE project
For two years, we have been working in the European Pilot Project ABLE (Assessing ButterfLies in Europe) with incredible success in promoting and improving butterfly monitoring in Europe and producing high-quality Butterfly Indicators and useful tools for volunteers and coordinators.
You can find the results of the ABLE project: final reports, new schemes created, all material, new partners, and more. Go to the ABLE results section to discover more
- the eBMS App is ready!
You can download and use the new multilingual eBMS app, looking for "ButterflyCount" in AppleStore or App Store for Android.
It was created to do 15-min Count, counting butterflies for 15 minutes anywhere in Europe. The GPS tracks your route, area, or point of your search. You can also draw the recorded area. All transects registered on the eBMS website can be also done with the app! Just download it and log-in with your eBMS account.
ButterflyCount has Picture Guides to help with butterfly identification offline. The app is translated into more than 10 languages and has the latest full list of the different butterfly species found across Europe – around 500 in total. You can record butterflies wherever you want!
To discover more go to eBMS data -> eBMS mobile application and see the new story in CEH
- Manual for Butterfly Transect Counts
A Manual with the information necessary to set up a transect and know the basic rules to follow in every visit to the transect. Download the Manual for Butterfly Transect Count to know everything about transects, the method used in the Butterfly Monitoring Schemes in Europe. This provides a robust method to collect butterfly monitoring data and allow us to compare between transects.
This manual is translated into several languages (Romania, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Slovak, Polish...). you can find the manual translated on the page, Materials to download other languages.
- Technical Report EU Butterfly Grassland Species 1990 - 2020
We are pleased to inform you that we have updated the EU Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species, 1990-2020. We produced a technical report to describe the indicator, it represents a major update on previous versions, through the incorporation of more and expanded datasets, together with new analysis techniques. It is the first major output from the ABLE and SPRING project. This would not have been possible without the effort of all the collaborators, national schemes and volunteers that provide the data. Our appreciation to all of them.
The EU Butterfly Grassland Species 1990-2020 indicator is part of the monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in an EU context, which can be accessed here. The grassland butterfly indicator contributes to Goal 15: Life on Land being; one of the two biodiversity indicators together with birds.